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question réponse
howard Gardner
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multiple intelligence theory
The professor Gardner proposes that
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there is not a single intelligence, but rather that there are seven:
intelligence seven:
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Visual / Spatial Intelligence Musical Intelligence Verbal Intelligence Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence. Intrapersonal Intelligence Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence
Inteligencja wizualna/przestrzenna
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Visual / Spatial Intelligence
Inteligencja muzyczna
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Musical Intelligence
Inteligencja werbalna
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Verbal Intelligence
Inteligencja logiczna/matematyczna
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Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Inteligencja interpersonalna
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Interpersonal Intelligence
Inteligencja interpersonalna
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Intrapersonal Intelligence
Inteligencja cielesna / kinestetyczna
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Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence
Linguistic opis
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You enjoy reading and writing. You explain your ideas via language. You get annoyed with people who use improper language. You give good directions to people so that they understand the first time.
Linguistic praca
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writers, lawyers, journalists, trainers, copy-writers, teachers, poets, editors, linguists, PR consultants, media consultants, TV and radio presenters
Logical-Mathematical opis
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You like mathematics. You enjoy working with a calculator or a computer. You enjoy playing chess, checkers and solving logical puzzles. You are very curious about how things work.
Logical-Mathematical praca
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scientists, engineers, computer experts, accountants, statisticians, researchers, traders, insurance Brokers, negotiators, deal-makers, directors
Spatial-Visual opis
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You find your way around a new place easily. You read maps, charts, or diagrams more easily than text. You like to take things apart and then try to figure out how to put them back together. You understand relationship between images and meanings.
Spatial-Visual praca
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artists, designers, cartoonists, architects, photographers, sculptors, town-planners, inventors, engineers, cosmetics and beauty consultants
Bodily-kinesthetic opis
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You use a lot of hand gestures and body movement when talking to friends. You run, swim, and exercise without getting tired. You like to touch something you have just seen.
Bodily-kinesthetic praca
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dancers, actors, athletes, sports-people, soldiers, fire-fighters, fishermen, drivers, crafts-people, gardeners, chefs, adventurers
Musical opis
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You listen to music a lot. You enjoy playing a musical instrument. You remember the melodies of songs. You can tell when music sounds off-key.
Musical praca
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musicians, singers, composers, DJ's, music producers, piano tuners, acoustic engineers, entertainers, party-planners
Interpersonal opis
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You like to work and play with other people. You understand how friends are feeling by looking at their faces. You have two or more close friends. You are a natural leader of teams.
Interpersonal praca
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therapists, mediators, leaders, counsellors, politicians, eductors, sales-people, clergy, psychologists, teachers, doctors, organisers, carers, advertising professionals, coaches
specjaliści od reklamy
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advertising professionals
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celu i dążeń
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purpose and aims

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