fubkcje unit8

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question réponse
jak sie masz
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how are you
jak sie ma twoj tata
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how is your dad
jak sie mają
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How are
jak sie czujesz
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how are you feeling
nic ci nie jest
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are you OK
co sie stalo
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what the matter
czy cos sie stalo
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is sonething the metter
co panu dolega
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what seems to be the problem
dobrze dziekuje
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fine thanks
dziekuje mam sie dobrze
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thank you I'm fine
w porzadku jestem tylko troche zmeczony
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its okej just w bit tired
niestety nie za dobrze
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not very well im afriad
czuje sie okropnie
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I feel terrible
jestem zmeczona
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I'm tired
chyba jestem chora
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I think I'm ill
jest mi niedobrze
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I feel sick
bardzo boli mnie glowa
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i have got a bad headche
mam kaszel
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I have a cough
jestem troche przeziebiona
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I'm a bit of a cold
boli mnie noga
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my leg hurts
chyba mam zlamana noge
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I think my legs broken

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