Friends s09e03

 0    25 fiche    arturmalagowski
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to rush
to hurry, to run
Don't rush her, she needs some time to get ready.
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gonić, pędzić, poganiać
as of
as from, starting from
So, as of Monday, I'm being officially relocated
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począwszy od
a wiener
a banger
Texas wieners are another type of hot dog in the state.
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Hey, you said that without gagging.
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zakrztuszenie, kneblowanie
epidemic roseola
A blood test should be done to see if a person is protected against rubella.
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He used to have this recurring nightmare.
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powtarzający się, nawracajacy
a nickel
If I had a nickel for every time somebody's asked me that.
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to go way back
We go way back, from high school.
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znać się od dawna
an attorney
a laywer
Do you have to be an attorney to open and run a small business these days?
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prawnik, mecenas, adwokat
to run sth by sb
to relay
That's the kind of thing you usually run by me.
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przekaywać coś komuś
That made the pickings better for the few who were here.
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dodatkowe przychody
a joint
a dive bar
We had lunch at a fast-food joint.
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tania knajpa, melina
a stretch
Actually "cook" may be a bit a stretch.
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to shovel
He was hired to shovel coal on a train.
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ładować łopatą
This was not like the mesquite country where he had been born.
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jadłoszyn (drzewo)
cheep, shoddy
The movie is cheesy, but its stars certainly are not.
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a hog
a pig, a swine
Don't let him into the kitchen by himself. He's a hog.
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wieprz, żarłok
Strep infections are identified on culture by their formation of pairs or chains.
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zapalenie bakteryjne
to have a falling-out with sb
to have a fight with sb
Jane is always falling out with people.
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pokłócić się z kimś
Mary Ellen is really smart and cute and loose.
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luźny, rozwiązły
I like when you start chattering like a monkey.
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a security blanket
I remember someone bringing his security blanket to college.
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koc, coś co daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa
a parole officer
They have to meet parole officers at least twice a week.
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kurator sądowy
off guard
Sometimes guys get caught off-guard with a question and didn’t know how to respond.
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nieprzygotowany, zaskoczony
to hold up
to stall
She wants to hold up the ceremony.
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opóźniać, zwlekać

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