fiszki marta instagram

 0    12 fiche    bartekpawlowski93
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question réponse
dlugi, dlugość
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long, length
gleboki, glebokość
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deep, depth
wysoki, wysokość
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high, height
szeroki, szerokość
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wide, width
silny, siła
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strong, strength
oczyscic atmosfere
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clear the air/atmosphere
szczescie w nieszczesciu
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a blessing in disguise
do maksimum
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to the utmost
Każdy pracuje do granic swoich możliwości, kapralu.
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Everyone's working to the utmost of his capabilities, Corporal.
Przezroczysta miska z tworzywa sztucznego z poliwęglanu łatwo się usuwa,
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Clear Bowl in polycarbonate plastic easily removed to facilitate cleaning to the utmost.
o ile mi wiadomo/o ile wiem
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as far as I know
Z tego co wiem byliśmy szczęśliwi
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As far as i know we were happy

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