Fiszki (2) 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203

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to sit / sat / sat
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Siedź spokojnie przez minutę!
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Sit still for one minute!
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interested in
hobby i zainteresowania
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hobbies and interests
Dzieci zwykle traca zainteresowanie po kilku minutach.
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Kids usually lose interest in a few minutes.
rekreacja, wypoczynek
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recreation, leisure
centrum rekreacyjne
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leisure center
Czas na wypoczynek! W końcu!
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Leisure time! Finally!
Dobrze się bawić
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to have fun / to have a good time
dla zabawy
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for fun
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at all
Fran kompletnie nie umie dobrze się bawić!
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Fran doesn't know how to have fun at all!
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to have a rest
Musze trochę odpocząć po tym tygodniu.
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I need to get some rest after this week.
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favourite, favorite
Jaki jest twój ulubiony zespół?
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What's your favourite band?
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romans historia miłosna
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romance love story, romans
Ona pisze zachwycające powieści dla dzieci.
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She writes amazing novels for children.

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