Fausta 16th June (30 min)

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It was a big challenge for me.
Czy NADAL / WCIĄŻ chodzisz do szkoły?
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Are you STILL going to school?
20 lipca
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the 20th of July
Może pojadę nad morze.
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Maybe I'll go to the seaside.
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a rainbow
podwójna tęcza
!!! SEE and HEAR don't like the Present Continuous.
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a double rainbow
I see a double rainbow.
Słyszę dziwny dźwięk.
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I hear a strange sound.
Czy nadal to widzisz?
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Can you still see it?
już nie
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not any more
Dużo padało?
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Did it rain a lot?
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to drizzle
It's drizzling.
Nie mam nic przeciwko.
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I don't mind.
Urodziłam się 3 września.
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I WAS born on the 3rd of September.
Moje urodziny są we wrześniu.
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My birthday is IN September.
Twoje urodziny są w lutym.
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Your birthday is in February.
Moja siostra URODZIŁA SIĘ w 2016r.
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My sister WAS born in 2016.
Kiedy się urodziłeś?
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When WERE you born?
Nie oglądam telewizji codziennie.
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I don't watch tv every day.
na świecie
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in THE world
w Polsce
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in Poland
na Litwie
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in Lithuania
w Niemczech
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in Germany
Jest najbogatszym (człowiekiem) w USA.
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He's the richest (man) in the USA.
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