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Bil Gates is loaded. He has so much money.
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Bil Gates está carregado. Ele tem muito dinheiro.
She's loaded. She had 10 beers. So she's very drunk moreover she had 10 beers.
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Ela está carregada. Ela tinha 10 cervejas. Então ela está muito bêbada, além disso, ela tinha 10 cervejas.
That man is loaded. Is it a verb, noun, or an adjective?
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Esse homem está carregado. É um verbo, substantivo ou um adjetivo?
Loaded in theses cases is an adject because discribe, a woman, a man or something
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Carregado em casos de teses é um adjetivo porque discribe, uma mulher, um homem ou algo
Cheers mate!!! Drink responsibily, today I just need take the edge off. (stressfull day)
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Cheers mate!!! Beba responsavelmente, hoje eu só preciso tirar a vantagem. (dia estressante)
He was hammered.
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Ele foi martelado.
Never drive under the influence of alcohol. It's better if you designate a driver.
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Nunca dirija sob a influência do álcool. É melhor se você designar um driver.
He is drunk as a skunk.
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Ele está bêbado como um gambá.
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A visit in his home is well worth
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Vale a pena uma visita em sua casa
entrepeneur mindset
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mentalidade empreendedora
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struggle with schools
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luta com as escolas
sparks leadership
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desencadeia liderança
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pedir emprestado
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It’s settled then
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Está resolvido então
Early bird
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Wake up with the sun
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Acorde com o sol
Night Owl
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Coruja noturna
Getting up at the crack of dawn
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Levantar-se ao raiar do dia

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