Degree of Noun - Diminutive and Augmentative

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Common sufixes
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-inho; -zinho < ---- < -ão; -zão
small friend < friend < big friend (synthetic mode)
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amiguinho < amigo < amigão (modo sintético)
small boy < boy < big boy (synthetic mode)
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rapazinho < rapaz < rapazão (modo sintético)
small girl < girl < big girl (synthetic mode)
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rapariguinha < rapariga < raparigaça (modo sintético)
small man < man < big man (synthetic mode)
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homenzinho < homem < homenzão (modo sintético)
small woman < woman < big woman (synthetic mode)
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mulherzinha < mulher < mulherona (modo sintético)
small cat < cat < big cat (synthetic mode)
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gatinho < gato <gatarrão (modo sintético)
small house < house < big house (synthetic mode)
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casebre < casa < casarão (modo sintético- irregular < - < -rão)
small fire < fire < big fire (synthetic mode)
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foguinho < fogo < fogaréu (modo sintético -uinho < --- < irregular)
small friend < friend < big friend (analytical mode)
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pequeno amigo < amigo < grande amigo (modo analítico)
small boy < boy < big boy (analytical mode)
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rapaz pequeno < rapaz < rapaz grande (modo analítico)
small girl < girl < big girl (analytical mode)
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rapariga pequena < rapariga < rapariga grande (modo analítico)
small man < man < big man (analytical mode)
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homem pequeno < homem < homem grande (modo analítico)
small woman < woman < big woman (analytical mode)
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mulher pequena < mulher < mulher grande (modo analítico)
small cat < cat < big cat (analytical mode)
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gato pequeno < gato < gato grande (modo analítico)
small house < house < big house (analytical mode)
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casa pequena < casa < casa grande (modo analítico)
small fire < fire < big fire (analytical mode)
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fogo pequeno < fogo < grande fogo (modo analítico)

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