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I can't help it.
I can't help it
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Nic na to nie poradzę.
It is what it is.
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Jest tak, jak jest.
That make sense.
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To ma sens.
it happens
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zdarza się
That explains it.
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To wyjaśnia to.
Do you happen to know...?
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Nie wiesz przypadkiem...?
I was wondering if Friday would be possible for you?
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Czy odpowiadałby Panu piątek?
That's rich coming from you.
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To bogactwo z twoich ust.
I coudn’t care less
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Nie obchodzi mnie to
I can't be bothered
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Nie przeszkadza mi to
Give me a break!
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Daj mi spokój!
Get over it!
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Pogódź się z tym!
I don't know the first thing about
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Nie mam zielonego pojęcia o
I'll be the judge of that
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To ja będę o tym decydowac.
Cut to the chase!
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Do rzeczy!
Let's call it a day.
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konczymy na dzis.
Third time the charm
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do trzech razy sztuka
It was a blessing in disguise
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To było błogosławieństwo w nieszczęściu
Let's talk about the elephant in the room
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Porozmawiajmy o tym o czym. wszyscy wiedzą, a udają, że nie
We got off on the wrong foot
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Zeszliśmy na złą nogę
Cut somebody some slack. Do not be so critical.
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Wytnij komuś trochę luzu. Nie bądź taki krytyczny.
A penny for your thoughts.
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Grosz za Twoje myśli.
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