Ewa D. 22nd June (45 min)

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Nie wiem nawet jak to powiedzieć po polsku.
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I don't even know how to say in Polish.
To był zwykły dzień.
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It was AN ordinary day.
Nasze dzieci jadą na wakacje.
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Our kids are going on holiday.
jeśli mogę zapytać
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if you don't mind me asking
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
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It wasa A spontaneous decision.
a skoro mowa o książkach...
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speaking of books...
pojechać za granicę
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to go abroad
do NOT say: go TO abroad
Chcę pojechać za granicę.
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I want to go abroad.
Ona chce pracować za granicą.
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She wantS to work abroad.
Moja sąsiadka skończyła 25 lat w zeszłym tygodniu.
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My neighbour turned 25 last week.
napisy (w filmie)
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I think you should switch on the subtitles.
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. / 100 lat.
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Many happy returns.
Niech się spełnią wszystkie Twoje marzenia.
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May all your dreams come true.
Niech ten dzień będzie pełen radości i miłości.
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May this day be FULL OF joy and love.
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odnieść sukces
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to SUCCEED - suceeded - suceeded
to succeed - suceeded - suceeded
Ona odniosła sukces w wieku 30 lat.
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He succeeded at the age of 30.
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to encourage sb to do sth
moja bateria pada
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my battery is dying
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to cough
Nie mogę przestać kaszleć.
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I can't stop coughing.
Posłuchaj mnie.
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Nie słuchaj go.
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Don't LISTEN TO him.
Chcę pozbyć się tego starego samochodu.
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I want to get rid OF this old car.
Rozumiem to.
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I get that.
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an exception
Na twoim miejscu kupiłabym to.
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If I WERE you, I would buy it.
If I WERE you, I'd buy it.
Na twoim miejscu zerwałabym z nim.
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If i WERE you, I would break up with him.
If I WERE you, I'd break up with him.
im szybciej, tym lepiej
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the sooner, the better

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