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le 6 janvier
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January 6
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one of the Three Wise Men
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one of the Three Wise Men
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one of the Three Wise Men
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the East
fêter/tirer les rois
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to celebrate Three Kings Day
le roi
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the king
la reine
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the queen
la fève
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the charm
Une collection de fèves
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a charm collection
Une boulangérie
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a bakery
Une pâtisserie
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a pastry shop
"J'ai la fève! Je suis roi/reine!"
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I have the charm! I am king/queen!
"Bonne Fête des Rois!"
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Happy Three Kings Day!
La galette
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the cake
La pâte feuilletée
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puff pastry
Fourer/ fouré
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to stuff/stuffed
La frangipane
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almond paste
Une brioche
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butter, egg, and milk pastry
Une couronne
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a crown

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