Engeles wasp time to quit the news

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feel empowered
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geinformeerd voelen
a draing job
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een uitzuigende baan
major triggers for anxiety
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zorgt voor meer angst
unfolding news
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het ontwikkelen van nieuws
see the threat subside
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zie de dreiging verdwijnen
activate fear circuitry
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activeer angstcircuit
breeds sensationalism
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kweekt sensatiezucht
increasingly harnessed for spectacle
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steeds meer gebruikt voor spektakel
immersed in flows of news
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ondergedompeld in nieuwsstromen
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we share the blame for taking the bait
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we delen de schuld voor het nemen van het aas
gorge on entertaining crap
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kloof op leuke onzin
emerging indies
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opkomende regio's
near-constant negativity
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vrijwel constante negativiteit
newsbites impact emotions
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newsbites beïnvloeden emoties

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