Eigenschaften und Gefühle

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Eigenschaften: Aussehen
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Features: Appearance
das Allerweltsgesicht
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the common face
die Hakennase
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the hooked nose
die Sommersprosse
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the freckle
die Gaunervisage
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the crook face
der Hüne= der Riese, fast nur in der männlichen Form verwendet
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der Hüne= the giant, used almost exclusively in the male form
die Mandelaugen
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the almond eyes
die Rehaugen
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the doe eyes
der Schmollmund
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the pout lips aka duck face
die Stupsnase
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the snub nose
die Falte
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the wrinkle
athletisch (die Figur, der Körper, die Statur)
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athletic (the figure, the body, the stature)
fliehend (das Kinn, die Stirn)
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receding (the chin, the forehead)
gedrungen (die Gestalt, der Wuchs)
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stocky (the shape, the stature)
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die Gestalt
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the shape
knochig (die Person, die Hände)
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bony (the person, the hands)
kugelrund (der Bauch, der Kopf, die Augen)
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spherical (the belly, the head, the eyes)
lückenlos (der Haaransatz)
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seamless (the hairline)
makellos (die Haut, der Teint, die Zähne)
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flawless (skin, complexion, teeth)
markant (das Gesicht, das Kinn, das Merkmal)
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distinctive (the face, the chin, the feature)
das Merkmal
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the feature
der Teint
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the complexion
schief (die Zähne, die Nase, das Lächeln)
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crooked (the teeth, the nose, the smile)
schlaksig (die Statur, die Person)
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lanky (the stature, the person)
schmächtig (der Wuchs, die Statur)
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slender (the growth, the stature)
schütter (die Haare)
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thinning (hair)
wohlgenährt (die Person)
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well-fed (the person)
zierlich (die Person, die Statur)
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petite (the person, the stature)
angsteinflößend = beängstigend = furchterregend
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frightening = scary = terrifying
antriebsarm =phlegmatisch = träge
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low drive = phlegmatic = sluggish
blauäugig = gutgläubig = treuherzig
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naive = trusting = trusting
hinterhältig = heimtückisch = verschlagen
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underhanded = insidious = devious
provokant = streitsüchtig = zänkisch
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provocative = quarrelsome = quarrelsome
der Spaßvogel
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the joker
die Nervensäge
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the pain in the neck
die Stimmungskanone
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the mood cannon
der Angsthase
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the scaredy
die Naschkatze
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the sweet tooth
der Bücherwurm
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the Bookworm
die Leseratte
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the Bookworm
die Schlafmütze
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the sleepyhead
der Schmutzfink, -e
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the dirty bird, -e
der Putzteufel
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the cleaning devil
der Dummkopf
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the fool
die Intelligenzbestie
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the intelligence beast
das Arbeitstier
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the workhorse
der Faulpelz
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the slacker
der Frühaufsteher, -in
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the early bird
die Nachteule
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the night owl
der Partylöwe
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the party animal
der Stubenhocker
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the couch potato
der Glückspilz
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the lucky guy
der Pechvogel
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the unlucky one
die Ausgelassenheit l der Übermut
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the exuberance l the high spirits
der (emotionale) Beistand
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the (emotional) support
das Einfühlungsvermögen = die Sensibilität
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empathy = sensitivity
das Fingerspitzengefühl
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the instinct
die Gelassenheit = der Gleichmut
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serenity = equanimity
der Frohsinn
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the cheerfulness
der Hochmut
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the arrogance
der Kummer
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the grief
die Trübseligkeit = der Schwermut
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the gloom = the melancholy
die Nostalige = die Wehmut
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the nostalgic = the melancholy
das Taktgefühl, -e
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the sense of tact, -e
der Wagemut
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the daring
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angemessen (die Reaktion, der Umgang mit etw.)
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appropriate (the reaction, the handling of sth.)
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niedergeschlagen sein
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being down
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jmdn. ablenken
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distract someone
jmdn. bedauern
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to feel sorry for someone
jmdn. befallen (ein bestimmtes Gefühl)
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to affect someone (a certain feeling)
sich in jmdn. hineinversetzen
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to put yourself in someone's shoes
etw. nachempfinden / nachvollziehen / nachfühlen
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to empathize / to understand / to sympathize with sth.
jmdm. widerfahren
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happen to sb.
jmdn. überfallen (starke Gefühle)
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to attack someone (strong feelings)
jmdm. Trost spenden
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to comfort someone
Leid erfahren
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Experience suffering
jmds. Perspektive einnehmen
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take someone's perspective
vor Neid erblassen
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green with envy
vor Wut schäumen
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to foam with rage
etwas durch eine rosarote Brille sehen
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see something through rose-tinted glasses
gelb/grün vor Neid werden
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turn yellow/green with envy
der graue Alltag
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the grey everyday life
(vor Wut) rotsehen
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(to see red with anger)
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see black

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