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Partenon na akropolu
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"dziewczyna z perłą" Jochannes Vermeer
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Katedra Nother dham, jest gotycki, Paryż
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August Rodin "Myśliciel", XIX wiek
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Zamek w Malborku
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kruszganki na Wawelu
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Sagrada famila, Antonio Gaudi, Barcelona
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Cloude Monet 1872 "Impresja"
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Mleczarka Jana Vermeera, 1660
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Rembrandt, portrety
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Bociany Chełmońskiego 1900
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"Konstytucją 3 maja " Jan Matejko
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"Ostatnia wieczerza " Leonardo da Vinci
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Cud nad Wisłą, Jerzy Kosak
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Wenus z milo
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Posąg konny Marka Aureliusza
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dorycka, jońska, korycnka
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Kosciol mariacki w Krakowie XV i XVI
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sąd ostateczny, Bondone
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Ołtarz Wita Stwosza
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Szkoła ateńska, Rafael Santi
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Pięta, Michała Anioła
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łuk tryjumfalny w Paryżu
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Wymarsz strzelców, Rembrandt van Rijn
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Plac św. Piotra, Giovanni Bernini
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"Babie lato" Józef Chełmoński
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krzyk, Edward Munch
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autoportret Stanisława Wyspiańskiego
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Panny z Avignon, Pablo Picasso
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