dzial 3 nauka 3

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question réponse
egzamin ustny
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oral exam
egzamin pisemny
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written exam
arkusz egzaminacyjny z poprzednich lat
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past paper
zdawac ponownie
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egzamin konczacy nauke w szkole
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school-leaving exam
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send out
podejsc do testu/egzaminu
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take a test / an exam
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brytujski odpowiednik matury
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A levels
wyniki w nauce
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academic results
licencjat na kierunku humanistycznym
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Bachelor of Arts
licrncjat w dziedzinie nauk scislych
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Bachelor of Science
wkuwać do coś
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cram for sth
otrzymac wyroznienie
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get a distinction
matura miedzynarodowa
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international baccalaureate
magister nauk humanistycznych
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Master of Arts
zdac celujaco, spiewajaco
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pass with flying colours
przebnac przez cos
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scrape through
zdobyc stypendium
commencer à apprendre
win a scholarship

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