duo 6

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the garden
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le jardin
the house
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la maison
My house
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ma maison
the apartament
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Elsa’s father
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Le père d'Elsa
Emile’s mother
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La mère d'Émile
in the car
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dans la voiture
in the garden
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dans le jardin
peter’s dog
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Le chien de Pierre
his, her
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her apartament, his apartament
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son appartement, son appartement
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la soeur
what is her name?
commencer à apprendre
comment elle s'appelle?
What is her sister's name?
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comment elle s'appelle, sa soeur?
his pet is a dog.
jego zwierzakiem jest pies (pupil, zwierzak domowy)
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Son animal de compagnie est un chien.
I have a pet
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J'ai un animal de compagnie
do you have a son?
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tu as un fils?
Shut up!
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Ta gueule!
Your sister's name is Lena.
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Ta sœur s’appelle Lena.
The cat is in the car
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Le chat est dans la voiture
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where does your grandmother live?
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où habitte ta grand-mère?
where is it?
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où est-ce? /c’est où?
where is the balcony? where is the balcony
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où est le balcon? c’est où le balcon
I have pants and a jacket.
Mam spodnie i kurtkę.
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J’ai un pantalon et une veste.
we are going to the restaurant.
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nous allons au restaurant.
You want to come?
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Tu veux venir?
Lily is staring at her book.
Lily wpatruje się w swoją książkę.
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Lily regarde son livre.
Who's going to the swimming pool?
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Qui va à la piscine?
does not seem likely
nie wydaje się prawdopodobne
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ne semble pas probable
Does your father live here?
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Ton père habbite ici?
your cat
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ton chat
Marc is fine.
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Marc va bien.
she is doing well
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elle va bien
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Marie talking with her sister
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Marie parle avec sa soeur
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my mother is distracted
roztargniona, rozproszona
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ma mére est distraite
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cool, beautiful
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chouette, beau
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