Dopełniacz saksoński Y. T: Possesive s whose is it? (OGLĄDAMY NA YOU TUBE)

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question réponse
1. Czyje /Kogo
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1. Whose (huz)
2 Czyja to jest piłka?
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2 Whose ball is it?
3 To jest piłka Tomka
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3 It is Tom's ball
4. Czyje to jest torba?
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4. Whose bag is it?
5 To jest torba
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5 This is a bag
6 To jest Kim torba
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6 It is Kim's bag
7. Czyj to jest telefon?
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7. Whose phone is it?
8. To jest telefon Tomka
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8. This is Tom's phone.
9 Czyj to jest komputer?
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9 Whose computer is?
10. To jest komputer
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10. This is a computer
11. To jest Kim komputer
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11. It is Kim"scomputer

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