Dominik 25th March (45 min)

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to hurt- hurt - hurt
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Does it hurt?
Czy bolało?
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Did it hurt?
To nie boli
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It doesn't hurt.
To wcale nie bolało.
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It didn't hurt at all.
W ogóle mi się nie podobało.
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I didn't like it at all.
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a lightning
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a storm
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a thunder
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to hear - heard - heard
Grała na gitarze.
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She played the guitar.
do not say: to play on the guitar
grać w piłkę
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to play football
Czy codziennie grasz w tenisa?
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Do you play tennis every day?
Czy umiesz grać na skrzypcach?
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Can you play the violin?
Chciałbym umieć grać na skrzypcach.
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I wish I COULD play the violin.
Chciałbym móc mu pomóc.
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I wish COULD help him.
Chciałbym umieć mówić po japońsku.
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I wish I could speak Japanese.
Gdybym był wyższy, grałbym w koszykówkę.
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If I were taller, I'd play basketball.
Chciałbym być wyższy.
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I wish I WERE taller.
Chciałbym być bogaty.
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I wish I were rich.
Chciałbym mieć siostrę.
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I wish I had a sister.
Chciałbym mieć psa.
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I wish I had a dog.
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a ukulele
W moim pokoju jest łóżko.
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There is a bed in my room.
W moim pokoju było łóżko.
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There was a bed in my room.
opłata za przejazd
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a fare
When do they start paying full fare?
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a ferry
zwiększać / wzrastać
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to increase
zmniejszać (się)
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to decrease
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an abbreviation (e.g., BTW)
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an acronym (BTW, FYI)
tak szybko jak to możliwe
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ASAP / as soon as possible
Let me know ASAP.
Zadzwoń do mnie najszybciej jak będziesz mógł.
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Call me ASAP.
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LOL / laughing out loud
śmiać się
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to laugh
I can't stop laughing.
Przestań się smiać.
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Stop laughing.
Przestań palić.
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Stop smoking.
Przestań krzyczeć/krzyczeć.
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Stop shouting / screaming.
nic wielkiego
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NBD / no big deal
strach przed wykluczeniem z życia towarzyskiego, strach przed pominięciem
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FOMO / fear of missing out
I have FOMO now.
We all live internet lives, and when we see everyone else having more fun than us, we experience anxiety and FOMO.
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to miss out
Of course I'm coming - I don't want to miss out on all the fun!
szczerze mówiąc
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TBH / to be honest
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THX / thanks
Wyślij mi wiadomość prywatną.
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Send me a PM. /Send me a DM.
private message / direct message

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