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question English réponse English
commencer à apprendre
shortness in time or extent
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sudden and spectacular
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the most successful level / top
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to judge, usually in comparison to a standard / measure
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making one think about something in a serious way
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coming next in order
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powerful and difficult to deal with
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someone who shows Talent at an early age
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not becoming less in strength or severity / persistent
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extremely difficult, tiring or demaging
made the cut
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make it to the next level
jumping the gun
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do something earlier than you should for example talking about somebody as your girlfriend boyfriend without asking them out
go the extra mile
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do more than necessary
change tack
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take a different approach
drop the ball
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give up
dead set on something
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be determined to do something
par to the course
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Normal, expected
to feel sick
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catch a cold
commencer à apprendre
come down with
very bad headache
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splitting headache
extreme pain
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agonising pain
tout something as something
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praise as the best solution to a problem
the flip side
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the negative aspect of something
a lot of to be said for
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there are numerous benefits
set one sight on something
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focus on usually a specific goal
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shared compromise for a common goal
kicked against the pricks
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resist or resent outside control
Winner-Takes-all attitude
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All-or-Nothing approach in the business or Sports

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