
 0    27 fiche    malowska
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question réponse
od której jest restauracja otwarta?
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what time does the restaurant open
czy mogę zarezerwować stolik
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Can I book a table?
co chcesz zamówić?
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what would you like to order?
coś do picia?
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any drink
obawiamy się że nie mamy
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i m afraid we don t have
czy moge makaron prosze
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Can I have a pasta please?
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how much
chciałbym pizze
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I ll have some pizza please
jakie lody chcesz
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what kind of ice cream do you have
czy mogę rachunek
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can we have the bill please
jak moge dostac sie z do
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how can i get from to
gdzie jest
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where is the
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I am looking for
czy jest gdzies tutaj bank
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is there a bank near here
gdzie to jest dokładnie
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where is exactly
to jest na końcu drogi
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it is at the end of the road
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next to
za szkoła
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behind the school
przy skrzyzowaniu
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i ts at the crossroads
idz prosto
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go straight on
idz w prawo i wlewo
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go right and left
skręć w pierwszą uliczke w prawo
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take the first street on the right
czy powiedziałes
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did you say turn right
sory nierozumiem
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i m sorry i didn t understand
czy mozesz powtorzyc
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can you repeat that
ja nie jestem pewnien co masz na mysli
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i m not sure what the mean

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