culture, history and geography

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tennis tournaments
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The British Broadcasting Corporation
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eggs, bacon and sausages
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English traditional breakfast
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Scottish national dress
darts (rzutki)
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game traditionally played in British pubs
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London was the first city in the world to have
the Irish
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St. Patrick’s Day is the natuonal day of
Marks&Spencer, Harrods, Selfridges
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Deparment Stores
Shrove Day
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Pancake Day is also known as
One of London airports
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TV soap opera
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Coronation Street
British dish
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One of the Britain’s national newspapers
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The Guardian
English public school for boys
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a drink made from apples
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a type of cheese
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a Halloween decoration
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jack o`lantern
The main shopping street in many British towns
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High Street
The bald eagle
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The national bird of the USA
at least 35
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U.S. presidential candidate age
a sword
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where American settlers lived
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a log cabin
13 stripes and 50 stars
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the American flag has
an olive branch and arrows
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The U.S. symbolic eagle carries
Uncle Sam
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the American goverment
The Star-Spangled Banner
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The U.S. national anthem

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