colour idioms

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na goracym uczynku
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nagle, niespodziewanie
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out of the blue
raz na jakis czas
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once in a blue moon
zzielenialy z zazdrosci
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green with envy
byc smutnym
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have the blues
zezloscic kogos, byc zlym
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make someone see red
nie miec hajsu
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in the red
byc w czyms zielonym, niedoswiadczonym
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be green
niewinne klamstwa, biale klamsta
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white lies
miec dar do roslin
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green thumb
posiniec ze zlosci
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go purple with rage
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all black and blue
czerwony jak burak
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Red as a beetroot
film erotyczny
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blue movie
dzielnica czerwonych latarni
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red-light district
tak zly, jak go maluja
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as black as painted
zieloni rekruci
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green recruits
byc tchorzem
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to be yellow
byc smutnym
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to feel blue
posinialy z zimna
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blue with cold
bialy jak przescieradlo
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white as a sheet
na pismie
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in black and white
zielony bo zaraz sie porzyga
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a ghastly shade of green
widziec swiat przez rozowe okulary
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see the world through rose-colored glasses

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