collocations: take

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jechać na wakacje, wziąć urlop
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take a holiday
We are so glad we decided to take a holiday here.
pojechać na wycieczkę
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take a trip
Yesterday we took a trip to the mountains.
pojechać pociągiem
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take a train
take a walk / a bus / a train. First, we took a train to a little town and then we took a bus going to various villages.
polubić kogoś, zainteresować się kimś, zasmakować w czymś (np. jedzeniu)
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take a liking to
He had a fresh, open face, and stars in his eyes, and she took a liking to him at once. We got off when we saw village that we took liking to.
podejmować ryzyko
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take risk
Don't take any risks - just call the police.
zainteresować się czymś
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take an interest in sth
She takes more of an interest in politics these days. Some kids took an interest in us. They take a lively interest in their grandchildren.
wykorzystać szansę, możliwość (np. do osiągnięcia celu)
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take a chance
They took a chance and cast an unknown actor in the lead role. She took a chance on a relationship that could end in disaster.
poczuć niechęć
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take a dislike
The boss has taken a dislike to me. He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he's previously enjoyed. I took a violent dislike to him.
skorzystać z czegoś, wykorzystać coś (np. sytuację), wykorzystywać kogoś
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take advantage of
Take advantage of being in London- there are always plenty of jobs there. I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here. I know she's offered to babysit, but I don't want her to think we're taking advantage of her.
zająć chwilę
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take a while
It'll take a while, but she will forgive you. Aren't you finished yet? ~ No, it will take me a while, I'm afraid
podejmować działanie, podjąć kroki, podjąć środki, zastosować środki, zastosować działania, podjąć działania,
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take action
take steps / measures / action. We should take steps to ensure that no more money is lost on this venture.
obrażać się
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take offence
There's no need to take offence. I was only joking! She never takes offence at anything.
kryć się, chronić się
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take cover
They were firing over our heads, so we had to take cover. The hikers took cover in a deserted cabin to escape the sudden storm
litować się, okazywać litość
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take pity on
We took pity on a couple of people waiting in the rain for a bus and gave them a lift. The taxi driver took pity on us and agreed to take us all the way for a few dollars. Eventually someone took pity and turned the sound down.
grzecznie odmówić (obiecać, że zrobi się coś później), przełożyć coś na później, przemyśleć coś
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take a rain check
Mind if I take a rain check on that drink? I have to work late tonight. Can you manage Friday? ~ I'll have to take a raincheck on that, I'm afraid.

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