class 1-6

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question réponse
(market) adaptation
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the process of changing to suit different conditions
(product) feature / USP (unique selling point)
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something that makes a product, machine, or system different, and usually better, than others of a similar type
(product) portfolio
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the range of products or services that a company offers, or the businesses that someone owns
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to change, or to change something, to suit different conditions or uses
Advertising campaign
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a planned series of advertisements that will be used in particular places at particular times in order to advertise a product or service and persuade people to buy it or use it
advertising campaign
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a planned series of advertisements that will be used in particular places at particular times in order to advertise a product or service and persuade people to buy it or use it
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Someone or something that gives support when needed
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To want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful
Be intent on sth
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To be determined to do or achieve something
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a type of product made by a particular company
brand extension
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the process of using an existing brand name to introduce new products or services
brand identity
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a set of ideas and features that a company wants people to connect in their minds with its products or brand
brand image
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a set of features and ideas that customers connect in their minds with a particular product or brand
brand positioning
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a company's decision about how a product is marketed in relation to its other products, and to competitors' products
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Bring out a product
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To produce product to sell to the public
bring sth out/launch
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to produce something to sell to the public
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The amount of money you have avaible to spend
Carry out
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A person in charge of a meeting or organization
Chief Executive
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The person with the most important position in a company or organization
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A situation in which someone is trying to win sth or be more successful that someone else
Competitive advantage
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The condition that makes a business more successful than the businesses it is competing with, or particular thing that makes it more successful
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A person who buys goods for their own use
Cultural background
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the things relating to the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a society that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture
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A person who buys goods or a service
Customer base
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people who buy or use a particular product or service
customer base
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the people who buy or use a particular product or service
Customer profile
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a document that lists pain points, interests, buying patterns, and demographic characteristics of a company's customers
customer profile
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detailed information about a particular customer
customer profile
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a description of a business's typical customers
customer retention
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the fact of keeping a customer for a period of time
Declining market
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nnual industry revenues are in steady decline due to some combination of market saturation, decline in size of the target market, and/or introduction of a replacement product or technology
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Sth intentional or planned, intended
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To make material weaker or less pure by mixing it with another substance
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Showing good judgement, especially about style and quality
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a reduction in the usual price
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A difference between two similar things
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A person/organization that supplies goods to shops/other companies
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a person or organization that supplies goods to shops and companies
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(domestic market = home market)
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Relating to a person’s own country
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wada / wada
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Relating to trade, industry, and money; making a profit
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Not using a lot of fuel, money
focus group
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a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas
Free sample
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A small amount of sth that shows someone thinking of buying it what it is like without paying
get into
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To become interested in an activity or subject, or star being involved in an activity
global expansion
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When company wants to play significant role in the world.
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To spread or operate internationally
go into
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To start doing a particular type of work
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To have main offices of organization in particular place
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Feature belonging to the culture of particular society, such as traditions, languages, o building, that were created in the past and still have historical importance
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Giving all your attention to something
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involving more than one country
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to bring something under the control or protection of two or more nations; to make something international
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to put something into use, operation, or a place for the first time
Introduce a product
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To put product into use for the first time
key/signature products
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the most known/important products of the company
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to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
Launch a product
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To introduce a new product
Lay the groundwork
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Work that is done as a preparation for work that will be done later
luxury goods
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Expensive things that are pleasant to have but are not necessary
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To produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines
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The people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold
Market development
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a strategic step taken by a company to develop the existing market rather than looking for a new market. The company looks for new buyers to pitch the product to a different segment of consumers in an effort to increase sales
market niche
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an opportunity to provide a product or service that no other company provides
market penetration
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a process in which a product or brand becomes bought, used, or known by more and more people
market research
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the collection and examination of information about things that people buy or might buy and their feelings about things that they have bought
market sector
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a part of an industry, or a group of customers, products, etc. that are similar in some way
market segment
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a group of possible customers who are similar in their needs, age, education, etc.
market segmentation
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the dividing of all possible customers into groups based on their needs, age, education, income, etc.
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the business activity that involves finding out what customers want, using that information to design products and services, and selling them effectively
marketing mix
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the combination of actions a company uses when selling a product or service. These are often described as the four Ps (= product, price, place, and promotion)
Marketing plan
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an operational document that outlines an advertising strategy that an organization will implement to generate leads and reach its target market
marketing strategy
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a long term plan for a campany to develop and stay competitive
Mature markets
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Market that has been saturated with growth slowing
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A set of ideas or a plan of what to do in paricular
making organizations, or people who try to influence the way a country is governed
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The activities of the government, members of law
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A country/organization, or person with a lot of influence
Product feature
users and differentiate a product in the market
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a product's traits or attributes that deliver value to end
product placement
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a way of advertising a product by supplying it for use in films or television programmes
Product portfolio
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the collection of all the products or services offered by a company
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Activities to advertise sth, the act of encouraging sth to happen
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a list of questions that several people are asked so that information can be collected about something
Raw materials
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materials in a natural state, without having been through any chemical or industrial process
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In an extreme way that continues without stopping; in a strict, cruel or determined way
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A person/business that sells goods to the public
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a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public
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To keep or continue to have something
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The income that government receives regularly
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A person/group etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
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A situation in which people/companies compete with each other for the same thing
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a small amount of something that shows you what the rest is or should be like
Seduce (atract)
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To persuade someone to do something that they would not usually consider doing by being very attractive and difficult to refuse
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To give something to someone else in return for money
set up
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To start a new business
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a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product
special offer
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a product or service that is sold at a lower than usual price in order encourage people to buy or use it, or the act of offering goods and services in this way
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an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions
To enter sth
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To come into a place
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Activity of buying and selling goods between people or countries
Traditional markets
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any type of marketing that isn't online
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goods are very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich
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To become less strong or effective
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Rich/having a lot of money
Withdraw a product
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To stop selling a product
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existing or happening in all parts of the world
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to make someone believe something that is not true
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an area of interest or activity:
Maintain (to keep)
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To keep
To be anchored
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To be strongly connected
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Starting to exist
To account for
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to explain the reason for something or the cause of something:
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Having advantages because of your wealth, social position etc
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Amount or number of sth
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features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance
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to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died
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something that is made to be sold, usually something that is produced by an industrial process or, less commonly, something that is grown or obtained through farming:
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clothes, especially clothes of a particular type or those worn in a particular situation:
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a person, country, or business that sells goods to another country:
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relating to a person's own country:
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to (cause something to) get better:
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to provide or supply something
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to (cause to) change position:
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relating to politics:
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someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses:
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growing or becoming stronger or more advanced
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in addition, also
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a description of an event or situation
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(foreign) in, from, or to other countries
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to suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very quickly before considering some of them more carefully
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the group of people who officially control a country
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a company's profit in a particular period of time
A expanding market
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Business is increasing in a market
A special offer+I183: I194
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a product or service that is sold at a lower than usual price in order encourage people to buy or use it, or the act of offering goods and services in this way
A balance sheet
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a statement that shows the value of a company's assets (= things of positive value) and its debts
A single market
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the system of free trade that exists between countries belonging to an economic area such as the European Union
the exchange rate
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the rate at which the money of one country can be changed for the money of another country
Market leader
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the company that sells most of a product or service in a particular market:
Market survey
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an examination of what people want to buy, how to communicate with them through advertising, what competitors are doing, etc.:
sales forecast
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a statement of what the amount or value of a company's sales is likely to be in the future, based on information available now about the market, past sales, etc.:
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Strongly connected
Signature products
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Produkty sygnowane
List price
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the price of something, suggested by the company that makes it
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a factory where substances in their natural state, such as oil or sugar, are made pure

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