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it aims at the examination and settlement of civil cases and at the compulsory efnorcement of judicial opinions
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action brought before court
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legal system and the work it does
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reason of the subject matter
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proceedings when a case is examined and resolved
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procedure not involving a dispute
Court enforcement officer commencer à apprendre
bailiff, a person who enforces court decisions especially in conection with payments
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used to describe a decision that nobody opposes
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providing extra support or help
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written order issued by court to pay for sth
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alternative dispute ressolution, for eg. Mediation, arbitration
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to pay back costs that sbd has incurred
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one of the stages of the mediation when the mediator meets each party separatly to discuss the case
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saying or doing sth to let your anger off
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used to speak about anger which becomes worse, stronger
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unacceptable with connection to evidence, cannot be used in court.Eg. Gossip
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quick to protect yourself from criticism
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proving that sth is correct or true
Kodeks postępowania cywilnego commencer à apprendre
the code of civil procedure, civil procedure code
Sprawy kwalifikujące się do rozstrzygnięcia commencer à apprendre
cases qualifing for resolution
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to come to a conclusion/arrive at a conclusion