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neu = new, gierig = greedy
Er ist eine sehr neugierige Person.
don't be a chicken
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sei kein Frosch
lit. don't be a frog
the tip
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das Trinkgeld
trink = drinking, geld = money
the meat grinder
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der Fleischwolf
lit. the meat wolf
the bat
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die Fledermaus
lit. flutter-mouse
from fledaron (to flutter)
the vacuum cleaner
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der Staubsauger
lit. dust sucker
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lit fat-headed
brand new
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lit. nail new
the morning grouch
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der Morgenmuffel
grouch = malhumorado
everything is going fine
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alles in butter
lit. everything in butter
Heute ist alles in Butter
tired of life
Are you tired of life?
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wohl = ask Kai
Du bist wohl lebensmüde?
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einen Vogel haben
lit. to have a bird
Du hast einen Vogel!
the lucky one
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der Glückspilz
lit. the lucky mushroom
the sore muscles
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der Muskelkater
not to see obvious things
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tomaten auf den Augen haben
lit. to have tomatoes on one's eyes
Du hast tomaten auf den Augen haben
the smart one
sarcastic meaning
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der Besserwisser, die Besserwisserin
lit. better-knower
the ravenous
Spanish » enjambre
after a joint I have a ravenous
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der Fressflash
lit. food flash
nach einem "joint" habe ich einen Fressflash
a boozy evening
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those situations where the alchool is flowing
ein feuchtfröhlicher Abend
I'm ready
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ich bin soweit
lit. I am that far
bist du soweit?
the vicious circle
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der Teufelskreis
lit. the devil's circle
Teufel = Devil, Kreis = Circle
a bit nuts
un poco loco
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einen Dachschaden haben
lit. to have a roof damage
the wimp
el endeble
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der Angsthase
lit. fear bunny
very bad
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unter aller Sau
lit. all under pig
die Sau = the Female Pig (Sow)
the flash noticer
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der Blitzmerker
lit. the flash memory
exp. you can steal horses with him
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mit ihm kann man Pferde stehlen
das Pferd = the horse, Stehlen = to steal
being confident in front of audience
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die Rampensau
lit. stage hog
Kai ist eine Rampensau
the beer to go
a beer to enjoy on your way to meeting friends, to the club or to a party.
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das Wegbier
lit. the way beer
no beer before four
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kein Bier vor Vier
vor = before
love bite
Spanish » chupetón
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the toilet seat
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die Klobrille
syn. nice, cute, lovely
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the child
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das Kind
the toothbrush
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die Zahnbürste
der Zahn = the tooth, die Bürste = the brush
Happy Easter!
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Frohe Ostern!
food envy
I think you have food envy
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lit. food envy
ich glaube du hast Futterneid
the turtle
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die Schildkröte
lit. shield toad
to be exhausted
I'm exhausted
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fix und fertig sein
lit. be quick and ready
ich bin fix und fertig
the breakfast
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das Frühstück
Lit. the early piece
the sea
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das Meer
the lake
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der See
being drunk
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transl. I'm full drunk
ich bin voll Blau
I'm hot
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mir ist heiß
I'm sexy
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Ich bin heiß
It's all Greek to me
I don't understand
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ich verstehe nur Bahnhof
lit. I only understand train station
I think I'm going crazy
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ich glaube ich spinne
lit. I belive I spider
I have a hangover
Did you also had a hangover after New Year's eve?
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ich habe einen Kater
lit. Did you also have a cat after new Years Eve?
Hattest du auch einen Kater nach Silvester?
the gloves
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die Handschuhe
Die Hand = the Hand Der Schuh = the Shoe Die Schuhe = the Shoes
the gift
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das Geschenk
the poison
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das Gift
the brand
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die Marke
the fire
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das Feuer
very close
I am a one cat's jump away
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lit. the cat's jump
Ich bin einen Katzensprung entfernt
beat around the bush
Spanish » irse por las ramas
Stop talking around the hot mash
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um den heißen Brei herumreden
lit. To talk around the hot mash
Rede nicht um den heißen Brei herum
mnemonic aid
helps to remember facts or information
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die eselsbrücke
lit. the donkey's bridge
Lies have short legs
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lügen haben kurze Beine
lit. lies have short legs
the menu
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die Speisekarte

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