Chapiter 2 People

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Être proche de sa famille
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Being close to family
passer du temps en famille
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spend time with family
Une famille recomposée
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A blended family
Une famille monoparentale
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A single-parent family
Une famille homoparentale
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A homoparental family
Un- une enfant
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One- a child
Un adolescent (e)
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A teenager
l'aîné (e)
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the eldest
Le cadet // La cadette
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Un enfant unique
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An only child
des joumeaux // jumelles
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Des triplés
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Un parrain
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A godfather
Une marraine
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A godmother
Un filleul
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A godson
Une filleule
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A goddaughter
Une Bru
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daughter in law (not used commonly)
Un gendre
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A son-in-law
Un petit -fils
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A grandson
Les arrière- grands- parents
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un demi - frère
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a half brother
un beau-fils
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a son in law; a stepson
un beau frère
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brother-in-law; step brother
Une belle soeur
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A sister-in-law; step sister
un beau parents
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a step parent; parents in law
Un Copain (e) un ami (e)
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a friend
Un meilleur ami
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A best friend
Un petit - ami
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A boyfriend
une petite copaine
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a girlfriend
Les proches
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Une réunion de famille
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A family reunion
Changer (verb)
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Change (verb)
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To become
Grandir (verb)
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Grow up
Mourir (verb)
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To die (verb)
S'épanouir (verb)
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Thrive /// Blossom
Survivre (verb)
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Survive (verb)
Vieillir (verb)
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To grow old
Les évènements marquants
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The significant events - Milestones
Apprendre à parler
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Learn to speak
Apprendre à marcher
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Learn to walk
Commencer l`école
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Start school
Se marier
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To marry
Le mariage
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The marriage
Divorcer (V)
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Divorce (V)
Partir à la retraire
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to retire
La naissance et l'enfance
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Birth and childhood
Tomber enceinte
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Getting pregnant
Donner naissance à
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Give birth to
Naître --> Je nais Tu nais Il/elle/on naît Nous naissons Vous naissez Ils/elles
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To be born -
La naissance
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The birth
Accoucher (v)
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To give birth (v)
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La demande en mariage
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The marriage proposal
Demander en mariage
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Propose to marry
Se fiancer (v)
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To get engaged (v)
Les fiançailles
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The engagement
Une bague de fiançialles
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An engagement ring
se marier avec
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to get married with
le marié
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the groom
la mariée
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the bride
Les jeunes mariés
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The newlyweds
un couple
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les témoins
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the witnesses
le garçon d`honneur
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the best man
la demoiselle d'honneur
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the bridesmaid
les desmoilles d'honneur
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the bridesmaids
La robe de mariée
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The wedding dress
le costume
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Une alliance
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wedding ring
la cérémonie religieuse
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the religious ceremony
un faire part de mariage
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a wedding invitation
Les invités
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The guests
Un mariage civil
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A civil marriage
porter un toast (wedding)
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to make a toast (wedding)
La réception
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The reception
Les voeux
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The vows (wedding)
Le nom de jeune fille
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Maiden name
Lànniversaire de mariage
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Wedding anniversary
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Tomber malade
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become ill
Le décès
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The death
Le défunt (e)
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The deceased
le deuil
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Un cercueil
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A coffin
Le chagrin
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The sorrow
Un cimetière
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A cemetery
Les condoléances
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Un corbillard
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A hearse
Un corps
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A body
Une couronne mortuaire
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A funeral wreath
Une église
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A church
Un faire part de décès
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A death notice
Les funérailles
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The funeral
un funérarium
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a funeral home
La mort
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Les pompes funèbres
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Se faire enterrer - être enterré
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To be buried - to be buried
Un enterrement
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A funeral
Une tombe
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A grave
Se faire incinérer- être incinéré
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To be cremated - to be cremated
Disperser les cendres
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Scatter the ashes
Les cendres
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The ashes
Une urne
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An urn
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Le bouddhisme
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Le christianisme
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L' hindouisme
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Le Judaïsme
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Juif // Juive
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Asexuel (le)
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L'adoption homoparentale
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Homoparental adoption
La bisexualité
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La communauté LGBTQ+
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The LGBTQ+ community
Les droits des homosexuels
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Gay rights
Faire son coming out
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Coming out
Une lesbienne
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A lesbian
Le mariage gay
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Gay marriage
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Éprouver une Émotion
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To feel an emotion
Une émotion
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An emotion
Les émotions positives et négatives
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Positive and negative emotions
Avoir de la - du
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To have some
Avoir des doutes
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Have doubts
Éprouver de la - du
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To experience - to feel
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To wonder // to ask yourself questions
Se poser des questions
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to Ask yourself questions
Se sentir bien
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Feel good
Se sentir mal
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Feeling bad
être calme
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be calm
Être comblé
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To be fulfilled
Le comblement
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The filling
Être confiant (e)
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To be confident
La confiance
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Le calme
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The calm
être content (e)
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to be happy
Le contentement
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être de bonne humer
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be in a good mood
La bonne humeur
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Good mood
Être enchanté (e)
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To be delighted // enchanted
Être détendu (e)
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Be relaxed
La détente
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The enchantment
Être entousiasme
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Be enthusiastic
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The enthusiasm / fulfillment
être impatient (e)
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to be impatient
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être fier - fière
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to be proud - proud
La fierté
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Proudness // pride
être heureux - heureuse
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to be happy - happy
être joyeux - joyeuse
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to be happy - joyful
La joie
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être optimiste
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to be optimistic
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Être Passionné (e)
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Be Passionate
La passion
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The passion
Être Ravi (e)
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To be delighted
Le ravissement
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Se réjouir
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To rejoice // delighted
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La tristesse
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être accablé (e)
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to be overwhelmed
être blessé (e)
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to be injured
la blessure
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wound // injury
être confus (e)
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to be confused
La confusion
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The confusion
Être Déçu (e)
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To be disappointed
La déception
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The disappointment
être Démoralisé (e)
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to be demoralized
La démoralisation
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être démotivé (e)
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to be demotivated
Le démotivation
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être Déprimé (e)
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to be depressed
La dépression
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Être désespéré (e)
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To be desperate
Le désepoir
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être dévasté
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to be devastated
La dévastation
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The devastation
être malheureux (use)
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to be unhappy
Le malheur
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être Perdu (e)
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to be lost
La perte
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The loss
être Pessimiste
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be pessimistic
Le pessimisme
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être sous le choc
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to be in shock
Le choc
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The shock
être triste
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to be sad
La tristesse
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Déplorer (v)
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To deplore (v)
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Se lamenter
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To lament // complain
La peur
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être angoissé (e)
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to be anxious
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