Celka 1st Sept Trial Class

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question réponse
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
Jestem Celka.
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I'm Celka.
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Mam 10 lat.
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I'm 10.
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
Mieszkam w Polsce.
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I live in Poland.
Warszawa jest stolicą Polski.
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Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
Lubię Warszawę.
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I like Warsaw.
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a pet
Masz jakieś zwierzątka?
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Do you have any pets?
Mam dwa zwierzaki.
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I have two pets.
Mam dwa koty.
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I have two cats.
Czy masz rodzeństwo?
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Do you have any siblings?
Mam brata.
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I have a brother.
Ma na imię Tomek.
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His name is Tomek.
Moja mama ma na imię Ola.
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My mum's name is Ola.
Mój tata ma na imię Marek.
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My dad's name is Marek.
Lubię książki o Harrym Potterze.
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I like Harry Potter books.
Kto jest twoim najlepszym przyjacielem?
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Who's your best friend?
Moją najlepszą przyjaciółką jest Adela.
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My best friend is Adela.
Ile lat ma Adela?
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How old is Adela?
Adela ma 10 lat.
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Adela is 10.
Adela ma brata.
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Adela has a brother.
To zależy.
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It depends.
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Mam pytanie.
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I have a question.
Ona ma pytanie.
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She has a question.
Mam dwa koty.
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I have two cats.
Ona ma trzy psy i dwa koty.
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She HAS three dogs and two cats.
On ma trzy psy, dwa koty i chomika.
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He HAS three dogs, two cats and a hamster.
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The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.
New Zealand
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Nowa Zelandia
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
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Goodnight. / Night night.
Dobrego dnia.
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Have a nice day.
Do zobaczenia.
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See you.
Do zobaczenia niedługo.
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See you soon.
Nie rozumiem.
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I don't understand.
Co to znaczy?
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What does it mean?

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