Bugs team 3 unit 6 lesson 5 (you tube obejrzeć)

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question réponse
1. plaża
commencer à apprendre
1 beach
2. góry
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2. mountains (małtejns)
3. las
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3. forest
4. jezioro
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4. lake
5. miasto (duże)
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5. city
6. miasteczko
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6. town
7. wioska
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7 village (wilidż)
8 wakacje
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8 holiday
9. wędrować
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9. hike (hajk)
10. robić zdjęcia
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10. take photos
11. rozpalać ogień
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11. make a fire
12.łowić ryby
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12. fish
13. nurkowanie z rurką
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13. snorkeling
14. mieć piknik
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14. have a picnic
15. teraz
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15. now (nał)
16. z
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16. with (łyf)
17 nad morzem
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17 by the sea
18 puszczac latawiec
commencer à apprendre
18 fly a kite
19. zbierać muszelki
commencer à apprendre
19. collect shells
20 budowac zamek
commencer à apprendre
20 build a castle (kasel)

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