Brainy 4 unit 3lesson 4 this that these those

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Co to jest? (gdy pytamy o przedmiot który blisko)
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What is this?
Co to jest?(gdy pytamy o przedmiot który jest daleko)
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What is that?
Co to jest?(gdy pytamy o przedmioty które
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What are these?
Co to jest? (gdy pytamy o przedmioty które ś daleko?
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What are those?
zapka (blisko)
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This is a cap
To jest czapka(daleko)
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That is a cap
To są czapki (blisko)
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These are caps
To sa czapki (daleko)
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Those are caps
Lekcja 4 Iggy wynalazca
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Lesson 4 Iggy the Inventor
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crazy (kreizi)
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weird (łird)
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latest (lejtest)
Dad those clothes are really weird
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Dad those clothes are really weirTato, tamte ubrania sa naprawde dziwne
Theye're my latest inventions
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To sa moje najnowsze wynalazki
This is a shirt
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To jest koszula
That is a sweater
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Tam jest sweter
These are trousers
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To sa spodnie
Those are shoes
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To są buty (daleko)
Are those your father's crazy invetions?
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Czy to sa twojego taty szalone wynalazki?
Yes, they are
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Tak, są
Are my new inventions good?
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Czy moje nowe wynalazki sa dobre?
No, they aren't
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Nie, one nie są
It's a waste of time (yts e łejst of tajm)
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To strata czasu
It's a waste of money
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To strata pieniędzy

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