Body part

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bras forts
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strong arms
doigts rapides
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fast fingers
yeux fatigués
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tired eyes
un dos droit
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straight back
genoux grinçant
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creaky knees
petits orteils
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little toes
chevilles faibles
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weak ankles
cuisses musclées
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muscular thighs
hanches arrondies
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rounded hips
estomac vide
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empty stomach
côte fêlée
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cracked rib
long cou
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long neck
épaules raides
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stiff shoulders
tête brûlante
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hot head
coudes pointus
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sharp elbows
rougissant jusqu’aux oreilles
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blushing to the ears
la nuque
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nape of the neck
mâchoire carrée
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square jaw
fossette sur sa joue gauche
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dimple on his left cheek
cicatrice sur mon front
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scar on my forehead

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