Bergen, Vikings martial Arts 🤺

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zwędzić, buchnąć; uszczypnąć, lekko ugryźć; podskoczyć gdzieś
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Every member of the army will take one' nip at you. Can you nip out/round/down to the shop for me? Shall we nip in to the café for a bite to eat?
żwawy, zwrotny; chłodny, rześki (pogoda)
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able to change speed and direction easily:
a nippy little car. It's a little nippy today - you might need a coat.
być loterią, być ryzykowną próbą (zapytać kogoś)
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a long shot
It was a long shot, but I thought maybe he could tell us something about them.
kryterium, miara (sposób oceny czegoś); test wydajności, test porównawczy
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We will use his performance as a benchmark for other students. For the moment, we consider only the opening benchmark on justice, freedom and security to be met. I need to benchmark this machine before I can analyse the problem.
ergonomiczny (wygodny w użyciu)
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relating to the design of furniture or equipment which makes it comfortable and effective for people who use it:
ergonomic design/features I use an ergonomic desk chair.
zmiażdżyć, przeżuc krawędź (podbita)
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chew up the edge
biba, hulanka
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Were they on their way to a big shindig or coming from one?
odparcie, odparowywać (cios), odpierać (atak
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repel an attack. to defend yourself from a weapon or an attack by pushing the weapon away or by putting something between your body and the weapon
Predictably the president parried enquiries about the arms scandal.
mieć problemy z (czymś)
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have issues with (sth)
wyruszyć, zrobić wypad (gdzieś)
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Sally out
They sally out for prey, taken in flight or the ground. The rest had sallied out the rear and were now on his back!
okładać kogoś
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lay about somebody
rozprawa naukowa, traktat
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a formal piece of writing that considers and examines a particular subject
a six-volume treatise on trademark law
odtrącić, odbić strzałę
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knock aside an arrow
ostrożny, wymijający (odpowiedź)
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unwilling to give information
He was very cagey about what happened at the meeting.
poprawczak, szkoła poprawcza
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reformatory, reform school
obrót, wirowanie, kręcenie (się); kręcić (się), kręcić (czymś
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She did a twirl and a bow. He pushed the button and all the cogs twirled.
wkurzać, zawracać głowę; założyć podsłuch
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Stop bugging me. We need to bug his phone.
jelec (przy mieczu)
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odeprzeć kogoś
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fend someone off
to push or send away an attacker or other unwanted person:
He managed to fend off his attackers with a stick. She spent the entire evening fending off unwanted admirers.
rozdawać coś/podawać coś (jedzenie na tacy)
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dish something out
dole out. to give or say things to people without thinking about them carefully: to give or serve food to people:
A good doctor listens to the patient rather than just dishing out drugs. He's very keen to dish out criticism. He’s mad at me for teasing him – he can dish it out, but he can’t take it! Jon, could you dish the carrots out for me, please?
pika (włócznia) 🐟
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a long sharp stick used in the past as a weapon by soldiers on foot:
A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.
gafa, śmieszny błąd
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a stupid and obvious mistake, especially in something that someone says or writes
I called her by the name of his first wife, which was a bit of a howler. So far in the election, no candidate has committed a shocking howler.
fosa, vollgrav
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ześlizgiwać się, odbijać się (o mieczu)
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glance off
to hit or touch something quickly and lightly at an angle and move away in another direction:
The bullets glanced off the car
wymachiwać jak cepem
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(especially of arms and legs) to move energetically in an uncontrolled way
A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around. She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.
niewyrobiony, niewprawny
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having no knowledge of or education in a particular subject
To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.
wycofywać się (np. z obietnicy)
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Can you believe she has just backpedalled on her promise?
zaskoczyć 🥏
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Your decision has really threw me.
podkładka pod szklankę
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Remember to put your glass on a coaster.
kierować (np. fundusze), wlewać,
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channel. to send something directly and intentionally:
We can funnel all the liquid into a seperate container. I made them funnel all the money into my account. No one knows who has been funnelling weapons to the terrorists. These laws ensure that local revenue for education is funelled into schemes
bastion, ochrona; ostoja
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something that protects you from dangerous or unpleasant situations:
My savings were to be a bulwark against unemployment.
opaska ochronna (np. na kolano), rękaw ochronny (na łokieć) {NA KLEJNOTY]
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(tackle) pad
He kicked me in my tackle!
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skruszony, przepraszający
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showing that you feel sorry about having caused someone problems or unhappiness
She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing. I hope he was suitably apologetic for breaking your glasses.
marnować, roztrwonić
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fritter something away
to waste money, time, or an opportunity
If I've got money in my pocket, I tend to fritter it away. She fritters so much money away on expensive make-up.
majątek ruchomy, ruchomości
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You have to pay the tax if you have any effects. I inherited all my grandfather's effects.
zarekwirować, przejmować
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nautical term
namiar, położenie (np. wskazywane przez kompas)
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In an underground passage you have no bearings except for what the signs provide.
tłumić, dusić w sobie
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bottle something up
When a person bottles things up, they refuse to talk about things that make them angry or worried.
I couldn't bottle my sorrow up any longer.
sformułowane w terminologii prawniczej, FORMULERE
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couched in legal terminology
to express something in a particular way
tymczasowa fantazja, kapryz
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passing fancy
chrzanić coś
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hang something
roztrzepany, roztargniony
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ziemianka, wykop
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odłamek pocisku
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He got hit by a piece of shrapnel and went down.
zmusić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś, do pracy na statku
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to force or strongly persuade someone to do something they do not want to do
I've been press-ganged into taking the kids swimming.
stały klient
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regular customer
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black ice
We've got black ice showing up all over the place.
zdjęcia filmowe
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shooting, Pictures for the film
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the quality or state of being viscous (= thick and sticky and not flowing easily
The viscosity of the fluid in the system can be modified. Fish oils reduce inflammation in the arteries, and improve your blood viscosity.
sprężysty, elastyczny
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in reality, swords are quite springy
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Some of the old pillboxes are still in place today.
wycofać się skądś, zwiać skądś, uciec od czegoś; katapultować się z samolotu 🪂
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bail out of something
He was thinking of a way to bail out of this relationship.
pękać, łamać się (wydawać trzaskający dźwięk)
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snap off
Then it moved forward again and he thought she was going to snap off his hand. Then he released my hand and the cold thing snapped off
rusz się żwawo!
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step lively
komunikat, znak zgłoszenia (w komputerze)
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A prompt on your screen shows that the computer is ready.
mątwa (głowonóg morski
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łajdak, lajdacki
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a rude or unscrupulous person b: a person who uses foul or abusive language
pozbyć się, zabić (jakąś osobę lub zwierzę) przestarzale efektywnie)
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kill someone
Our handsome hero manages to dispatch another five villains.
wymuskany, gładki, elegancki 💇🚗 przygładzać, przylizywać (np. włosy)
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Jim's long black hair was sleeked down his face and shoulders. Everybody had a mustache and hair that was sleeked back.
rozsznurowywac, ściągać naramiennik
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unbuckle the pauldron
Willie nodded agreement and began to unbuckle the pauldron.
okrutny, brutalny
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One reason for all these problems, is the brutish past. The brutish woman came then, when everyone else was outside.
siła naciągu łuku
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draw weight
zimne ognie
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We don't use sparkles here as we don't want to fire any holes on the floor.
z natury, właściwie
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There's nothing inherently wrong with his ideas.
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to move repeatedly from one position to another:
The needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty. My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope.
punkt zaczepienia
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anchor point
These two documents provide a useful anchor point for the data reported here.
emitent, wystawca
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a company that issues (= produces or provides) something such as bank cards or financial products:
The document isn't legally binding without a signature from the issuer. Credit card issuers have seen their profits soar recently. California is one of the largest issuers of municipal bonds.
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a feeling of friendship that a group of people may share, especially at work
zaczątki, ekscytujący (o wydarzeniu), inspirujący
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This year's conference was less stirring than the last one. The artist succeeded in making a stirring album. His actions marked the stirring of an entirely new political movement.
przyznanie się nic mnie nie kosztuje, jeg kan innrømme
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it costs me nothing to admit
wygasły (o prawie), zlikwidowany (o przedsiębiorstwie, martwy (o osobie), wymarły (np. gatunek)
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However, they became defunct at the end of the 2005-2006 season. They also had many years in which the team was defunct.
nadawać, dodawać czegoś
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These fancy curtains lent an interesting look to the bedroom.
zajęcia do wyboru, zajęcia fakultatywne
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elective course
kokietować, droczyć się
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tease, coquet
Why do you tease her every time you see her?
bratnia dusza, likesinnet
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kindred spirit
smykałka do języków
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a flair for languages
widok z lotu ptaka
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bird's eye view
szuja, łotr; kondom
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zmienić strukturę genetyczna arbuzów
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engineer watermelons
to design and build something using scientific principles. to arrange cleverly and often secretly for something to happen, especially something that is to your advantage:
They want to engineer watermelons so that they're square. He thinks that engineering is immoral. The scientists engineered the space mission.
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This wire has to consist of semiconductors.
zaległości w pracy
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There will probably be a backlog of work when you get back."
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ticket inspector
tytuł wyróżnienia (np. Profesor)
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title of distinction
pomysłowość, zaradność
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Our company values resources.
bagażowy chłopak
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I gave the bellhop a generous tip.
usprawiedliwić coś (pv)
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explain something away
You have to explain your lateness away.
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a piece of string in the centre of a candle, or a similar part of a light, that supplies fuel to a flame. to absorb liquid from something and remove it:
These special fabrics wick moisture from athletes' skin to keep them comfortable
odprowadzić kogoś
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to see somebody off (to the station)
I resented him for not seeing me off
psychodeliczny, dający fazę
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relating to the effect produced by taking a psychedelic drug (= one that affects the mind and the way that someone sees things):
Staring at this visual creates a trippy and powerful optical illusion. The album is a tense, trippy collection of songs that become fiercely emotional explorations
udawany faul, symulowany knock-out ⚽
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It was an obvious dive, but the judge seemed not to notice that.
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a tall piece of furniture with cupboards below and shelves on the top half:
ukośne spojrzenie, skråblikk
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sidelong glance
One of those other cars must belong to those two young people; and he glanced at them sidelong.
szczery, prostoduszny, prostolinijny, 👶
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she exuberates with that childish guilelessness
załatwić coś👮‍♂️
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cop something
My friend copped some booze.
PRZESTYLIZOWANY TEKST, wyczerpany nerwowo, podenerwowany
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One is its best dessert, which goes by an overwrought name. George gave an overwrought sigh and began the letter again.
biedny, ubogi(formal)
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very poor
There is a reason you see someone riding a second-rate bike, and it's not indigence. He claimed indigence and is being.
opóźniony w rozwoju, debilny
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nalot, ciężkie bombardowanie
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Our team's blitz has taken the opponents by surprise.
gwiazda, przerzut bokiem (w gimnastyce) å slå hjul☸️
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cartwheel ☸️
zmuszać, pobudzać (oficjalny) {do ćwiczeń}
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impel {to exercise}
to make someone feel that they must do something:
The very fact that he felt impelled to do so told its own story. I wonder what it is that impels him to exercise all the time.
zwiastun zagłady
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harbringer of doom
zawiły rachunek polityczny
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a tricky political calculus
a way of calculating, judging, or deciding something in a complicated situation
There is a very tricky political calculus involved here. The piece about jury screening discusses the decision-making calculus itself. The new legislation changes the calculus for car manufacturers.
nie mniej. nikt inny jak
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no less
It is no less but admiral himself

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