be, have can powtórzenie

 0    17 fiche    anetaewa1976
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question réponse
1. Ja jestem
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1. I am
2. Ja mam
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2. I have got
3. Ty nie masz
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3. You haven't got
4. Czy on ma?
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4. Has he got?
5. Czy on jest?
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5. Is he...?
6. My nie jestesmy
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6. We aren't
7. Oni nie maja
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7. They haven't got
8. Czy wy jesteście?
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8. Are you?
9. Co to jest?
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9. What is it?
10. Ja umiem/potrafię
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10. I can
11 Ty nie umiesz
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11 You can't
12 My możemy
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12 We can
13. Czy wy umiecie?
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13. Can you?
14. Czy on może?
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14. Can he?
15. My nie mozemy
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15. We can't
16. Ona potrafi
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16. She can
17. Czy oni potrafią?
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17. Can they?

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