BBC articles about Polish elections

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Polish election: Expected political earthquake delights Brussels
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rozkosz, zachwyt
to grin
The exit polls from Poland's election have Eurocrats grinning like Cheshire cats.
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uśmiechać się
After years of estrangement and antagonism, Poland's centrist opposition Civic Coalition, has a simple message for Brussels: "We, the fifth-largest country in the EU fold, are back!"
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oziębienie stosunków
nail biting
EU figures don't want to be seen as interfering in national votes, but behind closed doors there was a tonne of euro-nail-biting
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Obgryzać paznokcie
Poland and Hungary have long been viewed as the EU bad-boys: flawed democracies and EU-hostile.
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wada, skaza
Wiem, że jestem przystojny, ale mam jedną poważną wadę: moje uszy są zbyt duże.
Poland and Hungary have long been viewed as the EU bad-boys: flawed democracies and EU-hostile.
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to flout
They were accused of flouting the bloc's democratic norms.
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In Poland's case, Brussels withheld billions of euros of funds
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In Poland's case, Brussels withheld billions of euros of funds, pointing at the Polish government taking away women's rights over their own bodies by virtually outlawing abortion
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Praktycznie wszystkie jabłka w sklepie miały brązowe ślady.
to buck a trend
Brussels is doubly delighted at the expected outcome as it seems to buck a trend much-feared by the EU - the apparent renaissance of the Eurosceptic hard right across much of the bloc.
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przełamywać trend
to retain
The outgoing hard-line, conservative Law and Justice party is expected to retain a big chunk of parliamentary seats
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Rób regularne powtórki, jeśli chcesz zachować w pamięci nowe słowa.
Still, when I spoke to European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas, he was upbeat
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optymistyczny (na u)
to dissipate
He hoped the tensions "haunting" relations with Poland would now dissipate, describing Warsaw as a core member of the European family.
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to thaw
Russia is another reason Brussels is keen to thaw frosty relations with Poland.
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roztopić się, rozmrozić
It's a historic enmity.
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From that defence perspective, Nato was far more sanguine about Poland's election result than the EU.
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optymistyczny (na s)
spill over
Poland is so worried the war in Ukraine could spill over its borders, that it announced plans to invest in enough equipment and personnel to become Europe's strongest army by 2026.
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rozlewać się
to pledge
The opposition block has pledged to restore the independence of the judiciary and the public media.
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zobowiązać się
He hoped the tensions "haunting" relations with Poland would now dissipate.
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