August 16

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Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
Silnik indukcyjny
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Induction motor
Jaki jest cel twojego testu
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What is the target of your test?
Pominiemy to pytanie
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We will skip this question
Wymagania testowe
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Test requirements
Zauważliśmy błędy podczas testu
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We noticed errors during the test
Przyczyna problemu
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Cause of a problem
Jaka jest przyczyna problemu?
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What is the cause of the problem?
odkryliśmy przyczynę problemu w urządzeniu
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we discovered the cause of the problem on the device
Przeanalizowaliśmy skutki problemu
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We analyzed the effects of the problem
Jaki jest skutkek problemu?
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What is the effect of the problem?
Jakie są skutki problemu?
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What are the consequences of the problem?

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