Artur 8th Nov (35 min)

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question réponse
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it's half past 5
30 min
commencer à apprendre
half an hour
12 h
commencer à apprendre
half a day
6 months
commencer à apprendre
half a year
15 minutes
commencer à apprendre
a quarter
someone who is owned by another person and works for them for no money
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a slave
What ... you mean?
commencer à apprendre
What do you mean?
Can you explain ... again?
commencer à apprendre
Can you explain once again?
to learn
commencer à apprendre
learnED / learnt
I'm kidding.
commencer à apprendre
I'm joking. / I'm pulling your leg.
Are you kidding?
commencer à apprendre
Are you pulling my leg?
I'll do my best.
commencer à apprendre
I'll do ... best.
I've watched 5 videos ... month.
commencer à apprendre
I've watched 5 videos this month.
I watched 10 videos ... month.
commencer à apprendre
I watched 10 videos last month.
I've been to Vilnius three times ... week.
commencer à apprendre
I've been to Vilnius three times this week.
I went to Vilnius three times ... week.
commencer à apprendre
I went to Vilnius three times last week.

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