Artur 17th Nov (45 min)

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that's all right
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no worries
What's the opposite of ON PURPOSE?
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by accident
Let's meet this week, ...?
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Let's meet this week, SHALL WE?
Are you kidding? / Are you joking?
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Are you pulling my leg?
I ... 5 videos last week.
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I WATCHED 5 videos last week. (the Past Simple)
... is something or someone that looks dirty or untidy
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He makes a terrible mess when he's cooking. / Go and clean up that mess in the kitchen.
What a mess!
I can't concentrate ON this task.
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I can't focus ON this task.
the activities of the government, members of law-making organizations, or people who try to influence the way a country is governed
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a member of a government or law-making organization
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a politician
I'm ... year 10.
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I'm in year 10.
math US
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maths UK
I'll borrow this book from the library.
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I'll borrow this book from the library.
always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way
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If you want to improve your English, you have to be consistent.
to fire a bullet or an arrow, or to hit, injure, or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet or arrow at him, her, or it
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to shoot - shot - shot
She was shot three times in the head.
This ice cream has a delicious fruity...
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This ice cream has a delicious fruity flavour.
... Baltic Sea
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the Baltic Sea
Let's ... skiing.
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Let's go skiing.
I'd like to go skiing.
a strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head
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a helmet
Don't forget to put on the helmet.

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