April 20

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special thing for cut food
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a knife
Obiad jem na talerzu
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I eat lunch on a plate
Nie jem obiadu na talerzu
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I don't eat dinner on a plate
Na śniadanie mam jajka z chlebem
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I have eggs and bread for breakfast
Na lunch mam ziemniaki z mięsem
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I have potatoes and meat for lunch
Na kolacje jem kanapki
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I eat sandwiches for dinner
Mój mąż robi kanapki z serem i keczupem
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My husband makes cheese and ketchup sandwiches
Powinnam jeść więcej warzyw
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I should eat more vegetables
Nie powinnam jeść czpisów wieczorem
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I shouldn't eat chips in the evening
Nie powinnaś jeść za dużo cukru
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You shouldn't eat too much sugar
Nie powinnaś jeść za mało warzyw
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You shouldn't eat too little vegetables
Nie powinnam pić piwa wieczorem
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I shouldn't drink a beer in the evening
Rano jem śniadanie
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I eat breakfast in the morning
Lubie słone ziemniaki
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I like salty potatoes
Lubię gotowane ziemniaki
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I like cooked potatoes
Lubię smażone ziemniaki
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I like fried potatoes
Lubię jeść smażone mięso
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I like eating fried meat

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