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dog and snake bite (with teeth) bee, scorpio, mosquito sting
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stada ptaków, owiec, gesi commencer à apprendre
flocks of birds or geese or sheep
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lezec w oczekiwaniu na coś commencer à apprendre
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nakłonić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś lub zrobienia czegoś (delikatnie przekonać) nęcić commencer à apprendre
to coax sb to do or into doing sth (persuade gently) to coax the animal back in
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umieszczać zwierzęta za kratkami commencer à apprendre
to put animals behind bars
przestraszyć kogoś, zaskoczyć commencer à apprendre
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nigdzie indziej na świecie commencer à apprendre
anywhere else in the world
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industrious, hard-working
visitors to warsaw commencer à apprendre
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The bird pecked hard at the groudn to get at the worms.
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A dangerous lion remains at large.
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The entire house was infested with mice.
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The sheep were herded into a hutch.
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My horse shied away from the snake.
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eog szczeka, warczy, warczy, skomlenie commencer à apprendre
eog barks, growls, snarls, whines
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