Angielski 31 10 II

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drażnić, irytować
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to irritate, annoy, exasperate, jar, tease, needle, rib, bother, bait, ruffle prickle, rasp, josh, peeve, vex, grate,
zawieść, zdegustować
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disgruntle, fail, disappoint, let sb down
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arrange, contrive, mount (party)
skruszony / żałujący
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contrite / regretable, repentant, remorseful, apologetic
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contrivance, apparatus, appliance, furnishing
zielona strzałka
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traffic filter
oznakowanie drogowe
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road marking, road signage
rozpowszechnienie rozprzestrzenianie
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prevalence spread, prolifiration
threat of nuclear prolifiration
radny, adwokat
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przekazać wiadomość
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forward a message, convey a message
depesza, meldunek
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dispatch, report
załatwić coś
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to arrange, swing, get sht done, cop sth, process (the motion/case), settle, attend to - zając się
przerabiać, poprawiać, ulepszać
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revamp, refine, amend, tweak, meliorate
wysłać, powierzyć
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złapać w sidła
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ospały, powolony
obsługa w bufecie była ospała
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longuid, sluggish, lumbering, listless, sloth
The service in that Chinese buffet was really sluggish
Ogier pokrył klacz.
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The stallion mounted the mare.
piętrzyć się, wznosić się, wznieść się w powietrze, unieść się do góry
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pile up, rise up, mount, accumulate,
rozrzucać, rozsypać
Plaża była pokryta kamieniami.
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scatter, strew
The beach was strewn with rocks. He strewed toys all over the floor.
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list, roll, roster, tally
Have you already signed onto the roll? I didn't see your name on the roster.
wypuścić gina z butelki
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let the gin out of the bottle - put the gene
okrutny, agresywny
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cruel, aggressive, truculent, savage, harsh, distructive
stanąć po czyjejś stronie
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stand on someone's side,
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ubrany na czarno
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clad in black
przeprowadzić aborcję
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perform an abortion/ termination
dżin (baśniowy duch)
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genie (fairy tale ghost)
free the nuclear genie out of the bottle / put the genie back in the bottle
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point crux, core, meat, essence, marrow,
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persuade, coax, prevail on sb, talk sb over, reason with sb, induce, exhort, instigate, convince
zakazać, zdelegalizować
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prohibit, outlaw, proscribe

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