angielski 😎

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question réponse
być gotowym
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be ready for
być zmartwiony czyms
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be upset about
być znudzonym czymś
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be/get bored with
należeć do
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belong to
pożyczać od
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borrow from
nie zgadzać się z
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disagree with
przygotować sie do
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prepare for
powtarzac do egzaminu
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revise for
niestety nie zgadzam sie
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I’am afraid
przykro mi ze sie z toba nie zgadzam ale
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I'm sorry to disagree with you but
nie jestem tego taki pewien
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I'm not so sure about that
jak myslisz
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What do you think
co myslisz o
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What do you think about
jakie sa twoje odczycia na temat(1)
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what are your views on the subject (1)
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
osobiscie uwazam ze
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personally I think
mam nadzieje (1)
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I believe
z mojego punktu widzenia(1)
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from my point of view (1)
masz calkowita rację.(1)
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you are absolutely right. (1)
calkowicie sie z toba zgadzam(1)
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I totally agree with you (1)
tez tak mysle
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I think so too

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