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question réponse
oczywiscie, ze tak
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you bet
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hang on
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present perfect
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today, this week, already, just, yet, since, for, ever, before, up to now, so far, latley(recently)
present perfect?
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how long, since when
past simple
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yesterday, ago, last, when I was 5
past simple bbb
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when, what time, how long ago
past simple +
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I played fotball yesterday, he went on holiday last year
past simple -
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I didn’t play
past simple?
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dud you go
past simple kiedy 2 forma
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tylko w +
present perfect kiedy 3 forma
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present perfect +
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I have gone, you have been
present perfect -
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I haven’t gone, she hasn’t worked
present perfect?
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have I gone?, has he worked?
present perfect &2
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brak określenia czasu przeszłego, może być określenie czasu teraźniejszego(he hasn’t gone to work this week)
past simple&
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musi być określenie określenie czasu przeszłego (I play football yesterday?
to be
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was - I, he she ot) were- you, we you they
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was I, were l (nie be didn’t

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