Adrian 25th Jan (30 min)

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question réponse
Gotowy? Do Biegu! Start!
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Ready? Steady? Go!
egzamin próbny
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a mock exam
przystąpić do egzaminu
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to take an exam / to sit an exam
Jak poszło?
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How did it go?
Poszło nieźle.
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It went well.
To było trudne.
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It was difficult.
Mogłoby być lepiej.
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It could be better.
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straight away / instantly
Będę trzymać kciuki.
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I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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autumn / fall (AmE)
Wolałbyś... czy...?
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Would you rather ... OR ...?
Czy chciałbyś pójść do kina w weekend?
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WOULD you LIKE TO go to the cinema on the weekend?
Chciałbym ci pomóc, ale dzisiaj nie mogę.
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I'd like to help you but I can't do it today.
Czy chciałbyś pójść do kina w weekend?
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Do you want TO go to the cinema on the weekend?
Wolałbyś pójść do kina, czy zostać w domu i obejrzeć film na Netfliksie?
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Would you rather go to the cinema OR stay at home and watch a film on Netflix?
Wolałbym zostać w domu.
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I'd rather stay at home.
Wolałabyś obejrzeć film lub poczytać książkę?
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Would you rather watch a film or read a book?
Nie mam nic przeciwko.
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I don't mind.

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