Adrian 1st Feb (30 min)

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narzekać na coś
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to complain about sth / sb
Często narzekam na...
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I often complain about...
Ona nigdy się nie skarży.
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She never complainS.
Większość osób narzeka na wysokie ceny.
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Most people complain about high prices.
wysokie ceny
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high prices
drapacz chmur
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a skyscraper
niska cena
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a low price
niska pensja
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a low salary
zarabiać (pieniądze)
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to earn - earned - earned
Chciałbym zarabiać więcej.
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I'd like to earn more.
Ile zarabiasz?
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How much do you earn?
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to WRITE - wrote - written
test z historii
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a history test
test z polskiego
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a Polish test
test z litewskiego
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a Lithuanian test
Jak poszło?
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How did it go?
Ona chce, żebyś dobrze zdał egzamin.
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She wants you to do well in the exam.
surowy nauczyciel
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a strict teacher
rozwiązywać problemy
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to solve problems
test z historii
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a history test
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Chciałbym pojechać do Turcji i zobaczyć mecz.
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I wish I could go to Turkey and see the game.
I wish!
Lubię spotykać się z przyjaciółmi.
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I like meeting up with my friends.
Nienawidzę odrabiania lekcji.
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I hate doing my homework.
Lubię słuchać muzyki.
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I enjoy listening TO music.
Teraz słucham piosenki.
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I'm listening TO a song now.

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