a perfect day section two

 0    9 fiche    michalangielski
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question réponse
Is Helen still in bed?
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Czy Helen wciąż leży w łóżku?
She went to town about an hour ago
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Pojechała do miasta około godziny temu
We could do something
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Możemy coś zrobić
I suppose we could
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Przypuszczam, że moglibyśmy
We're going to have a picnic.
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Pójdziemy na piknik.
That's not a bad idea.
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To nie jest zły pomysł.
I'll give you a hand.
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Pomogę Ci.
Have we got anything to drink?
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Czy mamy coś do picia?
I'll go and get something.
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Pójdę po coś.

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