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Get drunk
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upić się
I had a beer last night and I got drunk.
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Do you like to get drunk?
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Be drunk
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być pijanym
Leave him alone, he is drunk.
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I wasn’t drunk yesterday, I was tired.
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You can’t drive, You are drunk.
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I finished my task. Can I go now?
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I have few tasks, that I have to finish by tomorrow.
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This is very complex task, I need more time to solve it.
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To date somebody
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chodzić z kimś
Are you dating him?
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I’m not dating anybody right now.
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She should start to dating somebody.
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To cheat on somebody
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zdradzać kogoś
I cheated on my wife seven times, but she knows only about two times.
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He is very a honest person and he doesn’t cheat on his girlfriends.
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I will cheat on you only once more, ok?
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Break up
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We have to break up, I don’t like you.
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Did you hear? They broke up last weekend.
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split up
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rozstać się
We split up after twelve years of marriage.
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Do you want to split up?
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I want you on exclusivity.
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You don’t have this couch on exclusivity.
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Come up
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wyjsc na jaw
The truth came up!
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Her fling came up so they broke up.
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I'm afraid my fling will come up.
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Well, maybe I should have some fling.
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So, you have a fling, that’s good for you.
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I didn’t have any flings when I was young and now I regret.
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Take part in sth
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brać w czymś udział
Hello, I was invited to take part in this exhibition, can I speak with the curator of the exhibition?
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She takes part in every demonstration in her city.
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