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question réponse
planować, organizować
commencer à apprendre
sort out
I will sort out something
commencer à apprendre
come out
The newest film comes out tomorrow
commencer à apprendre
carry on
She told us to carry on with the exercise
commencer à apprendre
make out
I can’t make out the sign from this far away
commencer à apprendre
bring up
As a child I was brought up to always tell the truth
mieć dobre relacje, robić postęp
commencer à apprendre
get on
Are you getting on with English
commencer à apprendre
hang on
Hang on a moment
commencer à apprendre
set off
I advise you to ser off early to avoid rush-hour traffic
sprawdzać, wyszukać
commencer à apprendre
look up
You don’t know the word, look it up in a dictionary
commencer à apprendre
put up with
zbadać coś, zająć się czymś
commencer à apprendre
look into

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