500 most important Czech verbs 276 - 300

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to wash
I wash my convertible every Saturday.
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Každou sobotu umývám svůj kabriolet.
to blame
Stop blaming me for everything.
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Přestaň mě ze všeho obviňovat.
to rain
It wasn't supposed to rain today.
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Dnes nemělo pršet.
to cook
The only thing I can cook is rice.
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Jediné co dovedu uvařit je rýže.
to belong
Everything in this town belongs to me!
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Vše v tomto městě patří mně!
to discuss
We have to discuss every possibilty.
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také: pojednávat o
Musíme prodiskutovat každou možnost.
to collect
When did you start collecting stamps?
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Kdy jsi začal sbírat známky?
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"Czech Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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