500 most important Czech verbs 126 - 150

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to become
He became very weak after he got sick.
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stát se
Poté co onemocněl, zůstal velmi slabý.
to cut
The telephone wires had been cut minutes before the assault.
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Telefonní kabely byly odříznuty pár minut před útokem.
to wonder
I wonder where to go for holidays.
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přemýšlet o
Přemýšlí, kam jít na dovolenou.
to forget
I forgot to do the shopping.
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Zapomněl jsem nakoupit.
to answer
I have to answer customers' inquiries.
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Musím odpovědět na otázky klientů.
to pass
Could you pass me the salt?
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Můžeš mi podat sůl?
to buy
Katie has bought a new car.
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Kejty si koupila nové auto.
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"Czech Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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