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question réponse
drzewo życia móżdżku
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arbor vitae
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aplot naczyniówkowy
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choroid plexus
bruzda zakrętu obręczy
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cingulate sulcus
spływ zatok
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confluence of sinuses
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przegroda przezroczysta
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septum pellucidum
słup sklepienia
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column of fornix
odnoga sklepienia
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crus of fornix
blaszka pokrywy
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tectal plate
zatoka strzałkowa górna
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superior sagittal sinus
zakręt przyhipokampowy
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parahippocampal gyrus
istota czarna
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substantia nigra
splot ramienny
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brachial plexus
splot lędźwiowy
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lumbar plexus
splot krzyżowy
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sacral plexus
splot szyjny
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cervical plexus
nerw pachowy
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axillary nerve
pęczek tylny
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posterior fascicle
n promieniowy
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radial n
mięśniowo-skórny n
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musculocutaneous n
kulszowy nerw
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sciatic nerve
strzałkowy wspólny n
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common fibular n
piszczelowy n
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tibial n
n trzewny piersiowy większy
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greater splanchnic nerve
splot sercowy
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cardiac plexus
n podeszwowy boczny
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lateral plantar nerve
n okoruchowy
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n oculomotor
n trójdzielny
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trigeminal nerve
nerw odwodzący
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abducens nerve
n błędny
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vagus n
n zębodołowy dolny
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inferior alveolar n
n językowy
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lingual n
n uszno-skroniowy
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auriculotemporal n
splot przyuszny
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parotid plexus
g skroniowa
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temporal branch
g jarzmowa
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zygomatic branch
g policzkowa
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buccal branch
n łzowy
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lacrimal n
n przeponowy
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phrenic nerve
pień współczulny
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sympathetic trunk
n oczny
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ophthalmic n
pień lędźwiowo- krzyżowy
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lumbosacral trunk

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